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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Married: Wensa and Nick

"Does this mean I get to be on your blog?"
She asked me.
"Haha, OF COURSE!" I said to her that bright beautiful Saturday...the day of her wedding!

Wensa is a dear friend of mine from church. I have loved getting to know her and watching her grow in her walk with the Lord. Together, with her partner in crime and former roommate, Abbie, those two girls can be trouble. When I say trouble, I mean, you just won't stop laughing.
And that's exactly how it was on her wedding day. So. much. laughter! It was awesome! Wensa knew how to relax and enjoy something. She didn't worry about anything. Mostly because, well, that's pretty much how she rolls and she also knows and trusts a God that is higher and sovereign over the little details of even her wedding day.

This was my last wedding job I had for the summer before I got myself hitched a few weeks later. I loved everything about shooting this wedding. The fun, easy-going atmosphere of the bridesmaids, Wensa's dress (OH. my. LANTA! It is too die for!), her birdcage veil found on, and pretty much her smittenness (is that a word?) with her new hubby Nick. So sweet.

Please scroll down and enjoy the rest of the pictures. If you want to see MORE pictures, find my facebook page here. And thanks Paul Barrios for helping me shoot that day! Always a joy to shoot with you, friend. (congrats on your new baby boy, Gavin!!)

The groom waiting patiently for his bride.

Favorite shot of the day. YES!

love...I this!

I love his grin!

Hubby and wifey. boom. done.

Seriously, these girls rocked!

I love this picture of her dress!

Find me on facebook!

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