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Monday, February 14, 2011

Silly Love

I was planning on doing this super serious, completely thoughtful blog about what the Lord is showing me concerning my pride, self-reliance, and my own ambitions today. But then I thought about our Sunday afternoon Brian and I spent together about an hour before church made me laugh. (you'll see in a few minutes) And that got me thinking about my hubby and then about Valentine's Day and about what I love about my hubby and then about what I wanted in a hubby when I was single and then about lunch. My mind is like goes everywhere.

When I was single, I had a list of qualities I wanted in my future hubby. And then God humbled me and I threw out my list and said, Ok...I have my ideas, but God has bigger ones. Among those qualities on my list were (of course) Godly, a leader, protector, provider, humble, grateful, loving, supportive, loyal, Gospel-Centered...yeah yeah, you get it right?

Well, one thing I ALWAYS said was important to me was laughter...sense of humor. You have to have fun together, right? You have to be able to laugh at each other. It's important. I love laughing. I love being silly and weird...hey, it's who I am. I love that Brian dives right in with me.

Girls, if you have a list of qualities...yes, Godly and a leader should be numbero uno. But, make sure he makes you laugh. Make sure you make him laugh. Laugh together. You'll be spending the rest of your life together and you. must. laugh! Enjoy each other's humors. Brian and I will fight about who is funnier and truthfully, I am. He knows it.

So Sunday afternoon, after chilling and watching a few hours of House Season One, we drove down to the Potomac River next to the Lincoln Memorial. I have been dieing to get out and take pictures. As a part of our marriage contract, Brian must be willing in any and all circumstances to be my model. It's ligit. (too ligit to quit...)

The sun was setting and the sky was golden. It was beautiful...but cold...and windy. (ONE MORE MONTH TILL SPRING!)

Brian was strolling along the disease infested river bank (seriously, you DO NOT want to swim or even poke a toe in this water). He was looking down like he was searching for something and I liked that...and well...the picture below was of him before I gave him my instructions...

And here's the series where I told him to act like he was searching for something.

"Search for something!! No...what...what are you doing? I said search!"

"this is how I search!"

When we got in the car to drive to church, I was looking through them and just burst out laughing. I laughed so hard I cried.

I love that he is silly with me.

I love that he laughs when I am silly and doesn't look at me weird.

(Ok, he still looks at me weird)

I love that we can laugh together.

I love that our family will be filled with laughter in the future.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!