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Friday, July 22, 2011

New Things are Happening!

(Just so you know, this picture has nothing to do with my blog.)

I just don't like to write a blog without some kind of's like reading a book without pictures. I mean, because you know...I don't read little kid books any more. Ok, whatever. I do.

There are some pretty fun things happening both in my personal life AND in my business life. For starters, in my personal life, I got a new job working with the Federal Bar Association as an Administrative Assistant. I'm excited...but so nervous. I don't really know what to expect. I know there are only 15 people in the office and it's near my house..ish. AND there's a Barnes and Nobles next door!! Tuesday is my first day at FBA! I feel like it's kindergarten all over again when I cried on the first day...I mean...ya know...ummm ok yeah, so? I cried on my first day of kindergarten!! (I also got in A LOT of trouble on my first day of kindergarten too...all my stickers were covered which is NEVER a good thing) Anyway, I feel like I need my Lisa Frank trapper keeper and my My Little Pony lunch box and thermos when I go to my first day on Tuesday. (anyone remember Lisa Frank!!?? loved her!)

Among starting a new job, I am also pregnant!!!!

Ok, no. I'm not pregnant. But I got your attention didn't I? I should really not say stuff like that here...rumors will start and I'll get asked a BUNCH of questions. For the record, I AM NOT PREGNANT. (Chill out, Mom! You'd be one of the first people to know if I was!!)

For my business life, I have mentioned a few times before that my business name/brand has gotten a whole new renovations. I am excited to announce I will be able to launch my new blog and brand in just a few weeks! YAY!!! I'm absolutely in love with my new brand and my new blog. I'll be able to tell you more about it when it launches...but the girl who did it is absolutely a GENIUS!

The day of my new blog launch, I will be hosting a contest! One of my sweet friends is also doing a side business. Her stuff is just so stinking adorable and I want to help her out...and I want everyone to see her cute things! I don't want to give anything away, but let's just say you can WEAR them!

So dear friendly-friends, be on the look out for my new blog launching soon...AND the way awesome really fun contest I will be hosting the day of the launch!

See all of you on the flip side!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Our Sprezzatura Saturday

Anybody who is anybody with an iPhone will tell you the best app of all time is with out a doubt, Instagram. It's like caring around my camera as well as a built in post-processing system in my phone! I just love it! So when creativity sparks and I see something that catches my eye, and I don't have my iPhone does the trick! If you don't have this app yet, get it. now. It's free!! That's the best kind!! If you don't have an iPhone yet...well, I'm sorry. It pretty much rocks my world...especially since they are now available with Verizon.

Ok...enough of the free advertising. I do believe that Apple and Verizon should pay me $1 MILLION dollars!!
This Saturday wasn't something that was unique...there was nothing extrodinary about it. It was just another Saturday where Brian and I ran some errands and spent a lazy afternoon at the pool. But I loved it! I love the art of doing normal things together. Last night, Brian and I watched The Bachelorette. Ok, I know what you are thinking... 1. Why are you watching that show? It's horrible, offensive, the girls/guys are not what you would call "godliness". 2. Why is Brian watching this? 3. Don't you have better things to do with your time?
I have answers to all of these questions: 1. I can't help watching it! It's like watching a train wreck! (though, I don't really know why I would want to watch that either)...ok, it's like watching...well, I can't really think of anything to compare it to that would justify watching this show. I agree. It's a ridiculous show, and the relationships NEVER work out. 2. Brian watches it because he loves me and loves to spend time with me...and we kinda make fun of the people on the show together. (yes, we are horrible). 3. I DO have better things to do with my time...but I didn't feel like doing them at that time. of the guys on the show is very sweet. Unfortunately, he got kicked off. Brian and I think it's because he is too good/intelligent for her. He mentioned this Italian word for being romantic through doing the normal, everyday thing. It's called Sprezzatura. Now, he may be wrong because I looked the word up on Wikipedia and it basically says "studied carelessness".

But I think this is a good word to describe mine and Brian's saturday's together...they are careless. Not in the way that we do things without thinking as if we'll go jump of the nearest bridge without a rope attached. No. It's just that they are easy...they are carefree. We enjoy being together that it's just careless. It's the art of doing the normal thing, but taking a carefree, romantic enjoyment out of it.

On our way to Trader Joes to get some groceries, we noticed a few yard sales (no one in VA has garages so they are called Yard Sales). I got super excited and screamed YARD SALES! YARD SALES!! Let's stop! Let's stop!! Ya just never know what you could find at yard sales. One man's junk then becomes my junk that I will turn into beautiful junk that will either hang on my wall, or redecorated and turned into something it was never intended to be.

We stopped by a few yard sales...hoping to maybe find some cheapo curtains or something of a unique sense, but had no luck.

We then drove by this house that had a whole bunch of furniture out in the lawn. We pulled up and my eyes were immediately drawn to this beautiful chair! I loved it! I had to have it! I asked how much it was! It was $250! All of the sudden, I didn't have to have it! As Brian and I were looking it over, I was picturing a new project for myself...reupholstrying. Now, I have no earthly clue on how to do this, but I could find a YouTube video that would show me how! I love the wingback chair, I loved how deep it was when you sat in it, and I really liked the pattern, but I wanted to make it my own. Brian's favorite part were the feet on the chair...they were claws! It was a pretty sweet chair, but way over what we could afford right now.

Moving on, we noticed another yard sale. I grew up in a neighborhood that held an annual GARAGE sale (because everyone in MI has a garage) every May. My mom always taught me the art of slowly driving by a garage sale to scan it seeing if it was even worth stopping. I scanned this one, and noticed a lot of boy things. I didn't think it was worth stopping, but Brian did. Sure enough, there was a lot of boy things...action figures, games, clothes...nothing really in the fun, kitcheny, artsy department I liked. We purused the books a little and noticed this little gem!

A C.S. Lewis children's book of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe! What a find for $1! I immediately started picturing us reading it to our children before bedtime and them being so excited that it became their favorite book. Right now, Brian and I are reading it to each other before we go to sleep.

I love all the illustrations in it!

After we got home and unloaded our groceries, a few friends came over to enjoy the pool with us.
And this is where I begin my rant about how much I adore everything about summer! Give me the heat anyday of the year over stupid, cold snow. BLECH! I love how the days are longer and the pool is open. Everyone enjoys the outside. You don't have to wear layer upon layer to keep warm. I love the smell of hotdogs and watermelon on a Saturday afternoon BBQ. I LOVE watching baseball. GAH! I just love everything about summer. I never ever ever want it to end.
I keep telling Brian and I'm so sad even thinking of how Fall and Winter are on their way in the next few months. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will have this picture to remind of how it feels to jump in the cool pool water on a very hot and humid day.

And, I had to laugh at myself this weekend. We went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. I was about to throw away this Dunkin Donuts cup, but then realized...HEY! I could use this for my OWN iced coffee or ice kept it. What has become of me?!!?! Next thing you know, you will find a dozen or so Ketchup packets in my purse!

Last week, after church, Brian and I stopped at Barnes and Noble. I picked up Tina Fey's book "Bossypants". I know, she is hard core liberal, but who isn't? (besides me and my friends...and my family...and pretty much my whole church) But she is stinking hilarious. And I appreciate a good sense of humor. One of the many reasons I married Brian. If you've ever seen her show 30 Rock, you'll see what I mean. Her sense of humor is random and weird, and I like it. Needless to say this book was hilarious! It was so good, I couldn't put it down, and I never say that about books.

Anyway, that was our Sprezzatura Saturday. I love them! I do. They are sweet and special and I wish everyday was Saturday.

Ps. hopefully next time I'll be writing a blog, it will be on my pretty NEW site!! Can't wait to show all of you!