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Monday, February 7, 2011

I Don't Get It

Because I felt like my blog was naked on my last post from the lack of pictures.
I took a few pictures around/in our house Sunday afternoon.
They really have nothing to do with my post.
I just don't want my poor blog to feel naked again.
And well... no one likes feeling like they are naked.
It's like one of those dreams where you go to school naked.
Or it's like Adam and Eve, when they first saw their nakedness in the Garden and had to hide.
Ok, I've said the word Naked too much. I'm done. This IS a rated G blog.
Brian had to work (I called it study) Sunday after church. And I'm just in love with this candle from Target. So he worked, I flamed the fire :), and turned on Jack Johnson whilst I baked my snickerdoodle cookies where I accidentally forgot to put in the baking soda.
(Btw, can anyone tell me what EXACTLY baking soda and baking powder do anyway?)

I talked about my love for my yellow wall and blue printed vintage plates in our dining room on my last post, so I decided to show you. Aren't they pretty? The yellow wall does my soul some good, especially on gray days.

The Ball jars were from my wedding. I used them as the decor. I just love the color and the light that comes through them. Don't you?

Ok, all done with the pictures. My shutter finger is itching to be out taking pictures again! Can't wait for Spring!!

On to my post:
"I don't get it." If our highschool year book's had a personal quote underneath our pictures, that would be mine. I think I told that to every teacher I had...more specifically to my math teacher. (Sorry, Mr. A!) But not only did I say that in my math class, I would say it in my English class, my history class, so on and so forth. I consider myself a slow learner...yes, slow. I was just trying to think of a time where I was a fast learner so I didn't paint myself as dumb or with a learning disability, but I couldn't. :) I'm slow. It's true. Learning and studying never came easy for me. Math was my hardest and then history. Though I love history now, it was hard for me to learn all the correct dates and get them right with the correct battle. And Math...well, that's just a loosing battle (date: August 31, 1985 - January 9, 2009).
The same applies to when I listen to messages and God is trying to work on my heart. In my pride and rebellion, I will fight and not listen to what God is trying to get across to me. I may listen, but even though I listen, it takes a while for me to really understand what he is saying. I don't get it.
"Hey, have a lot of pride. We need to work on this."
"I don't get it."
"Hey Jenny, there's your pride again...let's work on that."
"I don't get it."
"Hey Jenny, you know what comes after pride? Selfishness. I'm going to work on that too."
"I don't get it."
"Oh! And there's also this issue you have with Trust..."
"I don't get it."
Like I said...slow learner. Thankfully, God is patient and has a steadfast love and mercy with me.
My hubs is pretty patient with me too. ;)
The message on Sunday was good. It was short. :) Usually, our messages alone last an hour long. Which I actually really like. We had a guest preacher from Australia come. He spoke on the 10 Commandments. It was good. Honestly, there was not a lot my heart really grasped (it's the slow learner thing...I'll probably remember something in a few weeks).
But the thing I remember the most was his prayer at the end. This line wasn't meant to make a point. It wasn't meant for anyone to understand the significance. It wasn't a dramatic, spiritual attempt to convict our sinful hearts into submission. It was a simple line that came to me like..."hey! yeah! Ya know, you're right! And I get that!" It was one of those lines that I had to write it down before I would forget. God does that with me sometimes. In his patient character, he'll bring me to a place, or he'll allow me to overhear a conversation about the same thing he is trying to work on with me and I'll get it. I don't have to be at a spiritual conference or emotionally drawn to the worship music, or in a state where I'm crying, at the end of my rope and I FINALLY understand the lesson he is teaching me. Sometimes those things come at unsuspected places.

Anyway, are you dieing to know what the line was now? Did I play it up enough for ya? :) Good.
He prayed this: "Forgive us Lord, for we know so much, but do so little."
Do you get it? We know SO much about our Heavely Father. We know about his loving and faithful character. We know about the salvation he brought to us through his Son, Jesus Christ. We know so much about the Bible and the Truth in it. We know. We know about this. But we do so little. At least, in my humility, I (put in caps, bold, italicised and underlined) do so little. Convicting. Yes? yes. It really wasn't meant to convict me, but it did. So, how do I practically do this? That's another thing I have to figure out...
putting away my fearfulness and just speak truth...and most importantly living it out. It's gonna be hard. But why do so little when I know so much?

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