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Friday, February 4, 2011

I Like...

Well, my photography season is really slow for me lately. I don't have another job/project until the end of February so I have no pictures to show you right now. Plus, I'm just aching for it to be warm to be outside more often to take fun pictures. I know you can take fun pictures in the snow/frigid cold too,'s cooooooooold. Seriously, I don't think you guys understand just how much I hate being cold. It takes me forever to warm up. I have to put TWO (count them, 1. TWO.) coats on when I go to work. I walk home from the metro and bus and it's just awful out. Out of all things in this world I hate the most, being cold is in the top 10. I'll take humid days any day over frigid blowing wind/ice in my face. Anyway, all that to say, I wish I had some pictures to show up on today's blog for you...but alas, there are none.

I am excited about my upcoming Spring! Though, I don't have many weddings or really anything, I am excited about a wedding and a few pro bono things happening. I'll be shooting my FIRST 2011 wedding on Febraury 26 for Sarah and Jonathan, a lovely couple from my church. And in March, I'm participating in a silent auction hosted by Creative Memories. Nancy Creighton, from Creative Memories, is the one who contacted me about getting involved. I am so excited to be participating. They will be supporting Make A Wish Foundation. How I will be involved is that I am putting up my services to be auctioned off. So someone will be bidding on either a free engagement or family session to be photographed by yours truly. This will be a great way to hopefully gain new clients and be a part of a great cause. I'm thrilled! If you want to attend, please let me know. It'll be held in March in downtown DC and free to the public! Let me know and I'll shoot you over the information!

Also, I will be meeting with someone from the Sheraton Hotel in Baltimore to do a family session with her. She is the coordinator for weddings at the Sheraton so once we do her family session and she likes me, I'll be put on the preferred vendor lists for Brides. So. Excited!

Neither the silent auction nor the family session will be "jobs", but Lord willing, they will lead to other jobs. Pray!

I've been thinking a lot about where the Lord has me with my photography dream. Right now, it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Which makes my heart hurt. But, I'm learning to give it up to the Lord. Trust him that if he wants me to be a full time photog, then he'll make it happen. Right now, being a full time photographer AND working full time is a lot to handle. It means that I not only work on the week days, but I work on the weekends too AND week nights to finish all the editing. It's a process. Right now, I can't fully commit to photography. Ooohhh how I wish I could, but God is teaching me something through all this waiting. Right?

Anyway, I didn't want to bore you with my thoughts about my continually aspiring photography business.

I wanted to share with you things I like...things I think are funny...things that just make my day.
By the way, all these thoughts began this morning because of a doughnut and my love for them. The first Friday of every month my work gives the employees a breakfast which usually consists of bagels and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Oh man. I never partake of this day because...well...trying to watch what I eat in my almost 30 age. (I turned 28 on Wednesday) Well, anyway, I was really really hungry this morning. Really hungry. And I brought in my usual breakfast, Greek yogurt with Pomegranate seeds and coffee. It wasn't doing anything for me. The kitchen near me usually has the doughnuts...I ventured out of my desk to grab one. Came into the kitchen only to find muffins, bagels, FRUIT!, and OATMEAL! What is this crap??? I want a doughnut, dang it!! DOUGHNUT! Then I remember our other kitchen on the same floor. AH HA! They were there. The chocolate one starred at me...I starred at it. We fell in love. I FOUND THE DOUGHNUT!! I HAVE FOUND IT!! WE HAVE FOUND EACH OTHER! I WILL RAVAGE THIS DOUGHNUT AND BE UNITED WITH IT FOR...the next 5 or so hours until it's digested. I didn't eat the whole thing though...oh how I wanted to. I tried justifying it. But I couldn't. I still have left over birthday cake I want to sink into tonight. I don't think anyone really understands just how much I LOVE cake and other such things. Anyway, my love affair with this doughnut had me thinking about all the other things I like...and's a list.

I Like...
- the fact that Brian was racing me to finish my piece of birthday cake the other night, and I didn't eve know it. He said he seriously had to rush to eat the cake before me. I didn't even think I was going that fast. But apparently, I eat my dessert's really quickly. hee hee :)
- my birthday cake Brian bought for me (Obviously). It was Oreo!!
- that I bit into it before he even sliced a piece.
- Avocado's.
- my rock climbing harness Brian bought for me to go rock climbing this summer.
- Brian.
- weight training better than running. (Who'da thunk it??)
- my new blue phone! (Jess, we have the same one now!)
- Verizon and no more stupid AT&T dropped calls and late incoming texts.
- the fact that my phone is considered "basic". The iPhone stressed me out too much.
- Spring and all the fun Spring and Summer things Brian and I have planned...kayaking, rock climbing, many beach trips, a day trip.
- getting my hair highlighted tonight!
- Brian's eyes.
- that I get to spend much quality time with my Sexy Kitchen Aid this weekend making cupcakes and cookies!
- the new rug we bought from Costco.
- my new (but used) Craigslist Vaccuum. I love love love a clean floor...a floor so clean you could roll around on it...not that anyone would do that...Ahem.
- My yellow wall in our "dining room" and the blue printed vintage plates hanging on it.
- Brian.
- the fact that I can be the weirdest and silliest I've ever been around Brian and he totally gets it and laughs.
- Brian's smile.
- my sense of humor. It doesn't make sense to many people, but I think it's funny.
- Coffee, coffee, and more coffee (who doesn't like coffee, right?)
- wearing sporty/yoga clothes all day, everyday.
- getting up Saturday mornings, not taking a shower, leaving the house in a baseball hat, and still feeling cute.
- Brian.
- Brian's fashion sense.
- talking with Brian about how cute/weird/hyper our future kids will be.
- the fact that today I am wearing Hollister pants I bought 6 years ago, an American Eagle sweater I bought 3 years ago, an American Eagle shirt I bought 2 years ago, and Gap shoes I bought 2 1/2 years ago. :)
- Brian's cute butt. (oops!) ;)
- Capturing people with my camera in mid-laugh.
- Pictures of Brian on my desk at work.
- Brian's ability to cook!
- where you can find new artists and download their music for free! (totally legal) I highly recommend Ben Rector and Nate Fowler.
- Magazines. Mostly Health, Fitness, and Bridal.
- Dancing in the gym to whatever gangsta music is on my iPod.

Well folks, I like many things. You get the idea. I want to hear some of YOUR favorite things. What are things that are worthy of the Facebook Like Button? Let me know.


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