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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Superheros and Families

So I actually have two subjects to post in the this blog. One being about Superhero's and the other about this adorable family I shot (with my camera) on Sunday afternoon.

First, because you just have to see these kids, let's talk about the Smith family. Diamond contacted me last year to do a family shoot for them. Yes and Yes. She contacted me again THIS year to do ANOTHER family shoot. Gosh, I love repeat clients. :) They make my life so happy. And it's always fun to catch up with them. I met the Smith family on the east side of the Capitol. Ok, yes, I have shot here many many many times. So I decided to do a few different things this time. The Visitor Center has great lighting and different angles and the green green grass on both sides of the Capitol are prime for good coloring.
So, further without delay, let me introduce you to ...

Will. (yes, his name is Will Smith) :) And also, how can you resist that face?!?!

or THIS face? I mean, come on. He stole my heart. He held my hand. He called me Miss Jenny. I swooned. :)

and here's William and Diamond Smith, the maker's of these squish-their-face-stinking-adorable-children.

I mean, that smile. Those eyes!! :::sigh:::

Oh! And here's Elizabeth. Another stealer of the heart! I wish I looked that cute when I was baby. (I didn't. I was fat.)

Oh and also, it's really no biggie (ok, yes it is) but the following pictures are of her FIRST STEPS!!! Will she do it?

There she goes!! Standing on her own!



How far will she go?

Oh...uh oh...annnnnd....

Back down again. Diamond was thriilllllleeeed to see her daughter's first steps. And I was so happy that I could capture them on my camera for her. It makes me get excited to have my own kids and watch them take their first steps.

The world is now yours, Elizabeth! Go on with yourself and discover it!

(ps. did you notice something new on my pictures? Yeah, it's part of my new branding process. It's my watermark for Jenny B Photography. Hopefully soon my new blog will be up and running and I'll show you the whole logo. It's pretty.)
We took many more pictures after these, but I just wanted to give you a few to look at. We all had a really fun time on the Capitol lawn that afternoon.

Will chased me.

I chased Will.

Will held my hand.

I swooned.

Will gave me a stick.

I swooned.

Elizabeth took her first steps.

I cheered!

Elizabeth plopped back down.

I snapped a picture.

Will gave me the Gospel.

I swooned.

Will told me to pray.

I did and thanked Jesus for letting us have a fun afternoon.


Diamond and William were GREAT sports too in letting me play with their children and swooning after Will. :)

Ok, on to the Superheros part of my post.

Brian is a nerd. No, really he is. I told him that I was gonna post about him being a nerd. His words were, "yeah, but I'm a cool nerd, right?" Uhh...yeah...sure. :) I'm not disrespecting him. He tells me he's a nerd all the time. And now that we are married, I see it so. much. more. But I'm a dork! No, like really, I'm a big. time. dork. Not the smart kind of dork either. I'm the awkward, not really sure what to say in situations so I'll say something totally random and not very well thought out, kind of dork. So together, our poor, poor, children will get mocked ruthlessly in the school yards. Poor kids. Pray for them. Pray for them now.

I'll try to give you a few examples of how big of a nerd Brian is. (sorry, babe, but you know I love this about you anyway!) He loves, and I mean, LOVES superhero's. He also loves math. He also loves having things that are in a row neatly lined up against each other. He also loves science. He's just a nerd...but yes, he is a HOT nerd and he's MY nerd. :) Anyway, like I said he loves Superhero's and get's really excited when he sees something superhero related. He even bought a Superman t-shirt from Old Navy. Cute. :) So when the movie Thor came out, I knew we were going to have to see it. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE superhero movies too. (it's the dork inside me. dorks like those movies too) My personal favorite is Spiderman. So I was also excited to see this movie on Saturday. Which, if I may put in a quick plug...really, really good "family-friendly" movie. No sex. No swearwords (that I can remember). Just good vs. evil.

I don't really know much about Thor. Brian can talk your ear off about Thor and the rest of the Avengers. All I know is that Thor is the god of thunder. That's it.

Anyway, it was a good movie. Go see it.

Sunday morning, I got on facebook and saw my sister-in-law's status about Psalm 18 and God being the ultimate superhero. It peaked my interest since we have seen Thor just the night before and superhero's were on my mind. I didn't look up the passage right away since we were already running late to church (a usual thing I will admit). During the church service in one of the many weak moments of my A.D.D. mind (I SWEAR I was still paying attention), I wondered over the Psalm 18. I read it. I read about God being our shield, about God being our shelter, about God rescuing me from death and my enemies. What a wonderful passage this is! (Thank Sarah for saying something about it!) I'll be honest for minute here. I'm going through a spiritual drought. It's tough. I'm actually reading the book "When I Don't Desire God". It hurts to admit that. But maybe you can pray for me. I'd appreciate it! Reading this passage made me desire to stir my emotions for God. So for my Bible reading I've decided to start in the Psalms and Psalm 18 was a good place to refresh my soul a bit and remind myself that God is my ultimate hero and the one who rescued me even before I realized I needed to be rescued.

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