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Monday, July 12, 2010

Lovely. Simply Lovely. Aaron and Sarah, a Vermont Wedding

Have you ever been around a person for just one minute and KNEW absolutely KNEW they had the peace, love, patience, joyfulness, and gentle spirit of Jesus?
Well, this weekend I had the privilege of being my future sister-in-law's wedding photographer. I had never met her before so this was going to be my first time as well as being the photographer. It was fun to try to balance putting on the hat of future sister-in-law as well as wedding photographer. I was in the "zone" a few times and had to remind myself that I'm not JUST the photographer, but am also working with my future family-in-law too. :)
Her wedding was in the lovely and rural Vermont. It was so nice to get away from DC for a bit, but this place was literally out in the middle of nowhere. :) It was sweet though...very homey and rustic and just....well...gone from the rest of the world.
Sarah and Aaron just have a sweet sweet spirit about each other and their relationship. Aaron is the youth pastor at his church and loves on those kids so much. Just from watching him with the ring bearer's and the flower girls and other youth that came to the wedding it was easy to see how he easily relates to them and loves on them. It was also easy to see the kids responding to him and how they just adored him. Sarah is going to be the Proverbs 31 woman of a pastor's wife, in deed. She evidently loves could tell from the line that was outside this window of all the people waiting to get into the church. The church was literally PACKED with friends, family, and church members who knew and loved and wanted to joyfully celebrate with this wonderful couple.
At the end of the reception, Sarah wanted to just worship Jesus. So she had planned for a few of the youth group kids to set up their guitars and drums and microphones so they can have a little worship session. Sarah, without any fear or hesitation, just got up in front of everyone and sang...with her eyes closed, her hands raised towards Heaven, and heart full of thankfulness and joy, she praised her Jesus...on her wedding day! :) Ah-maze-ing! She and Aaron were the LAST people to leave their reception...which doesn't usually happen. They were in no hurry, they wanted to fellowship and love on the people that were there. I couldn't help but stand at the back table and watch Sarah worshiping. The people that stayed for the end, were just gathered around her, joining her in song, or just closing their eyes in praise to Jesus. At mine and Brian's previous premarital couseling, our pastor talked about the true beauty of a woman which is mentioned in 1 Peter (right?) about how a gentle and quiet spirit is one of honor and worth and pleasing to the Lord. God was pleased to hear his daughter's praise on her wedding day. When she got done singing, I told Brian that she is a woman of a gentle and quiet Spirit. I can only hope to be like that someday. :)
But anyway, I'll let the pictures do the rest of the story telling for you....
You can't see the writing on the whiteboard in the back, but it said: "The King will desire your beauty, because he is your Lord, bow down to him." Psalm 45:11. I thought this was SO fitting for Sarah on her wedding day. I don't know who wrote it or when it was written, but it was just perfect. I have another picture of it where you can see the words better.

I don't think I saw one person receive so many hugs in one day. This is just one picture of the thousands of hugs Sarah got on her wedding day.

Dear Sarah! What a joy it was to be your photographer! Thanks for being so easy going and even getting down in the grass in your dress so I could take this pretty picture of you. :)

All the ladies and fellas.

Ok, just the ladies now. Woooo weeeee, they totally rocked the purple!

Sister hug!

First walk down the aisle as hubby and wifey. :) Sarah couldn't stop smiling.

I have never seen SO many kids at a wedding reception. This little girl was one of many that danced with Sarah...and well, danced with whomever and wherever.

Ok, one of my favorite pictures! As a photographer, some churches have limitations to where you are allowed to go, but here I was allowed to get right up front when the bride came down the aisle and her future hubby saw her for the first time!! And ladies and gent's...WE HAVE LIP BITING!!!! SCORE!!

One last look before she meets her groom.

The anxious bride waiting in the nursery.

I LOVE this picture of the first kiss...she is just smiling away waiting for it... :)

Umm...yes, ad.or.a.ble.

They had a dollar dance at their reception where anyone could pay a dollar to dance with either Sarah or Aaron and allllllll the little kids lined up to dance with them. Aaron mostly just twirled every little girl around. :) So sweet. Just what every girl loves to do in a dress...twirl.

The men. So, I'll let you in on a little secret...the last one on the left...yeah, I kinda had a crush on him. I think he might've had one on me too since he kept following me around. I thought he was pretty cute...maybe he'll call!)

I just LOVE this shot!! THis is Sarah anxiously waiting in the dressing room to get ready.

OH! And did I mention that their church is just WONDERFUL?? EVERYBODY, and I mean EVERYBODY pitched in to help pull this wedding off. All the ladies were either cooking in the crock pots or baking some yummy dessert to help feed everyone. Such a vision of what the body of Christ is shall know them by the love they have for each other.

Ok, who gave this kid sugar? Ring pops. Rock!

Crockpot magicalness. :)

The didn't have a cake so instead, Sarah purchased a chocolate fountain where they fed each other a chocolate covered strawberry, and as you can imagine...ALLLLL the kiddos never stepped away from this. :) :)

AND her flowers, she put together herself. She picked most of them from a garden of a lady in her church. She said Sarah could have anything she wanted in there. :) So kind. BUT alas, this is also where Sarah got bit by a horse fly...ON HER EYE!! Thankfully, the swelling went down after a day...but have you ever seen Hitch where he got food allergies and his eye puffed up? Yeah, pretty much, that was Sarah. Poor thing.

Ummm...yes, that IS a log cabin in the middle of the woods. Look at it sitting there all cozy.

Mountains, fog, weddings...amazing.

and last but not always get a picture of the shoes. :)

Sarah and Aaron, thank you for letting me be a part of your special day. It was an honor to watch your joyfulness, love for the simple, little things, hugs, smiles, and godly spirit. I can't wait to get to know you more as my future sister-in-law!!!

jenny anne

1 comment:

  1. awesome stuff, jenny! and to think i offered my photoshop retouch services? not needed. and i agree, that b&w sarah shot ("anxiously waiting") is VERY fine. annie leibovitz-like. NIIIIICE. see you soon, gary ferster
