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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Engagement Session: Katy and John

Meet Katy and John.

I like them. They go together (sp?) and Peanutbutter and Taylor Swift and a guitar. They fit. I enjoyed getting to know them together a few Sunday's ago whilst taking their engagement pictures.

With these two together...goodness! They will conquer the world with John being a lawyer and Katy a Physical Therapist doctor! Their kids are going to be smmaaaaarrrrrrttttttt!! Phew!

First, let me tell you a little about Katy. Katy is a friend from my church. She is a quality...quality, top-notch kinda gal. (I mean, let's be honest here folks, ALL, I mean A.L.L the women in my church are stinking top. notch. quality.) Katy and I worked in the youth group together for 2 years and this girl's love for Jesus and the youth just exploded!! The kids just loved her, and personally I just loved when she gave a devotional. The girl is one wise woman of God! She is selfless in serving in the children's ministry, which is NOT an easy job. And through all of this, she STILL worked on getting her Ph.d in Physical Therapy. She is incredibly good at any sport you put in front of her (she plays basketball with boys), and OH! did I mention that she is an artist? Yeah...she is. Sporty (did I mention that John likes Bball as much as Katy does?), artistic, smart (ahem, incredibly smart), loves Jesus, fun, active...I mean, what else could a man ask for. I guess John must see all these things in Katy and more.
They have much in common! A love for Jesus and basketball...what else do you need right? ;) But they also make each other laugh. John makes Katy laugh, and I like that. Any man that can make a woman laugh is definitely a keeper.

Their story is kind of story. They told it to me really quick as we were leaving so I might get a few details messed up. But you MUST hear this story. I was blown away. (if you see this * it means I'm not sure if that fact if true)

So, I believe it was Katy's Sophomore* year at Houghten College. She went to a lecture from this woman who had practiced Physical Therapy in an overseas country. At this point, Katy's major was NOT PT. I may have been Art, but I'm not sure*.

Well, Katy was just enthralled by this woman's presentation. She said it was the most moving lecture she ever heard. This lecture from this woman convinced her to switch her major to Physical Therapy.

And time went on, Katy graduated from Houghton with a Physical Therapy degree and then on to Grad school to become a legit doctor. As well as getting involved in her church, helping with youth group, and rocking it out in Children's ministry.

Katy graduated from her Grad school and became a doctor...yay Katy!!

About two years later, Katy has a patient who told her about this guy named John.
Katy and John met and immediately hit it off. It was one of those...yep, this is THE ONE kinda thing.

On one of their dates, Katy was talking to John about this woman who is the reason she switched her major to Physical Therapy and how influential her speech was (OH! I forgot to mention, John went to Houghton too! But graduated before Katy was there). Katy didn't know this woman's name still to that date and so she thought maybe John knew since he was at her college before she was. Well, John pulled out his phone and opened up a picture of him and the woman. "Do you mean THIS woman?"

"Yes!! That's her!!", exclaimed Katy.

"How do you know her?"

"Well," said John, "She's my mother!"


Excuse, me what?????
Yeah, my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe how God ordained this!

The very woman that influence Katy so much many years ago, was going to be her mother-in-law. Katy met John through a random patient of her's. God timed that patient's matchmaking perfectly. Through that patient, she met her future husband who is also the son of the woman who changed her life.

That just goes to show you. God knows.

God knows every detail and desire in your life.

He has plans. Such good plans for you to glorify Him.

YEARS will go by without so much as a glimmer of what's to come. But trusting him pays off in the end.

You never know where God is working or when he is working...but he is!!

Katy didn't know it at the time of the lecture, but she was about to see her mother-in-law for the first time.

You might have an old friend from high school who was best friends with your future hubby or wifey in college who then introduced both of you at a Christmas party.

You may have worked at a sports camp five years ago and one of your hubby's best friends was also a counselor at the same time.

Or maybe you have a favorite Christian author's whose book you first read three years ago and then visited the church he was speaking at to find your future spouse talking to someone in a corner.

You may have gone to the same swing dance shindig three years ago, but just never ran into each other.

You just never know when or where God is working...but take heart. He is.

God is sovereign. He knows every detail of your life. He cares about them as much as you care about them.

Sidenote: this picture +

this picture =

awesomeness. Boom. (sidenote ended)

I love LOVE hearing stories like Katy and John's. It makes me praise God more for being so powerful to time things just right and to give his children good gifts.

You'll never know how a surprise from God will come up. He works in many ways. But just wait for it. Wait for his perfect timing. Katy and John's meeting was such perfect timing from God.

It may have taken a few years...

But the wait is SO worth it.

Especially if it's with the person God hand picked just for you.

Congrads, Katy and John! Praise God for his awesome faithfulness in your lives!

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