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Monday, April 4, 2011

Catching up on my Weekends

This has been my life the past three shower for our good friends Sarah and Evan, off to New Jersey to see Brian's family, and a deep-spring cleaning at the Bosak home. So I am now taking the time to update you on what's been going on lately. (Not that you would really care anyway...) I'd thought I'd throw this out into the blog-mo-sphere to see if my readers (or my husband) at least really wants to know about my weekends. Anyway, since I have not had many photography jobs lately, I have been able to do some personal pictures over the weekends. Let's start with Sarah's baby shower....mmmmkay? Sarah and Evan are due in May with a baby boy! Hoo Ray!! Brian and I had a bet about the sex of the baby. Brian bet that it would be a boy and I bet it would be a girl...of course. Our winnings? For me: a pedicure...oh how I long for one every time I look down at my caloused feet and plain toenails...blech! For Brian: a bottle of scotch. Well, Brian won. Dang. They are having a baby boy! Instead of a bottle of scotch, he opted for a snowboarding night with good friends. Sarah had her shower a few weeks ago and it was just lovely. I should mention that Sarah is a Marine so most of her gifts were military related from a Marine blanket to a little rubber ducky with a Marine hat. So. Cute. Well...let's scroll down the pictures to see what the rest of the day looked like.
Oh man, CAKE!! I love cake. I love sugar. I love anything with chocolate. I would eat it all...all the veggies, no protein, just cake. :::sigh::: only in a perfect world. DARN ADAM AND EVE!! If it wasn't for you, we could all eat cake all the time and never gain weight or clog arteries or have a weird brain function because of all the sugar. Darn you guys! I hope there's lots of cake in Heaven. There should be right? I mean, we will be celebrating Jesus all the time...celebration. cake. Celebration = cake!!

And then there were these adorable onesie cookies. Too adorable to eat. You can't eat something adorable? Can you?

And then there were :::sigh::: chocolates....LOTS OF THEM!! You can eat these...they aren't considered adorable.

And then there were games...FUN games! We had to unscramble the words and they were all themed with baby things. Can you guess this one? (I don't remember it)

And then there were chocolates. It's the only reason I go to showers...cake and chocolates, really.

And then there was a thoughtful and sweet devotional by Sarah's mom. She read from her journal she kept whilst pregnant with Sarah. Great idea and so sweet!

And then there was another game where we had to guess how many toilet paper squares Sarah was.

And then there were GIFTS!! many many gifts. Baby got spppooooiiiilllllleeeeedddddd. Which is the way it should be.

Sarah and her BFF Emily who put together the shower all the way from Indiana. Tis a blessing to have friends like that.

Cute Marine bibs!

The ladies.


Cheese! Yes please!

Coffee bar.

Adorable book from the Morgans.

And now we move onto our weekend in New Jersey. We had no specific plan of action on Saturday. We mainly just hung out and ate. But our main course of action was to put on these wicked awesome Transformers tattoo's. Everyone put at least one on for the day. We felt powerful! We felt alive! We felt like we were apart of Mega-Tron and Bumblbee's crowd...and then they washed off and we realized who exactly we were. Humans.

And then we went to Bobby's Burger Palace. I've never been before and have recenyly become a fan of the show America's Next Great Restaraunt. If you're a foodie, or you watch the show, then you know who Bobby Flay is. We were standing in line and Brian looked over in the seating area and says..."oh look, that's Bobby Flay!" Well, we all started freaking out because we all like food and well...were in his restaraunt. I had my camera (of course) so Jess and I made our way to him.

Oh hey Bobby Flay! Watchya cookin?

The Crunch Burger. I think it's a guy think to put chips on your burgers. I remember in elementary the guys would allllwwwaayyys put chips or cheetos on their sandwiches. I thought it was the grossest thing. But this...this was good!

Jess' friend Lisbeth, Jess, and A. Sammy-Sam

And finally, we move on to this past weekend. (ps. I'm sad it's monday) It was our deep-spring clean day! Seriously, I scheduled it on our calendar. I was looking forward to it all week! I blame all of my weirdness on my Pensacola Christian College Whiteglove days. These were days where we had to clean our dorms room from top to even IN the drawers, they had to be organized and clean of dust. EVERYTHING, had to be wiped down and sanitized...and the best part? It was always during mid-terms and finals. Yes, thank you PCC. And now that I'm married and have my own home, you'd think I wouldn't EVER want to do that again. BUT I DO! I love a clean home! A clean home is a happy home. (Yes, I'll be saying this to my kids all the time and they will hate it.) So Brian and I start early Saturday morning and finished around 7pm. I debated on taking pictures of the whole process, but didn't want to disgust you. Brian started in the kitchen and I started in the bathroom...the very place I hate to clean. But after I cleaned it, I feel like I've won the battle and the monster has been crushed! I am. VICTOOORRRIOUS! As I was wiping down the toilet, behind the toilet, under the sink, I started to notice the walls....were black! EW! We have white tiles around our bathroom and they were all black! What? I didn't even know they were black. I was thankful I had my Shaklee all-purpose cleaner to handle this task. This wonderful little sample was given to me by my good friend Bethany who lives in Boston. I LOVED it! It conquered anything I put in front of it and it was only 1/4 tsp. and a 16oz. bottle of water and two drops and water conquered my windows. Fabulous!! Contact her to get her information on how you can get some of this magicalness!

Brian and I still have to organize our linen closet which is in MUCHO need! On Sunday, we debated back and forth about what to do after church. The Cherry Blossoms seemed attractive, but then on our way home from church 395 was a parking lot. (Darn tourists) So we decided against it. Go for a run? Maybe. Well, we got home and I washed the dishes and Brian started working on my boxed herb garden. :) He's like me, once a project gets started, he doesn't want to stop. So we did that! My handsome handy man put the box on the outside of one of our windows, and then we made a trip to Home Depot to get the soil and herbs. So. Excited!

And there she sits! Waiting for rain, the sun, for growth!

Well hello Sweet Basil! When you have grown some more I will pick your leaves and put you on pizza, or with tomatoes, or chop you up for some pesto. You smell nice too!

Well hello German Thyme! Though I like how your frien Basil smells, I think I like your fragrance the most. I can picture a wide variety of meats you will be sprinkled on to.

And hello to you Rosemary! Together with Thyme, you two make a great pair!

Grow my little children, grow!

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