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Monday, October 25, 2010

I HATE dustballs! (hate them)

I HATE dustballs. Hate them! BLECH! Even writing about them makes me cringe. Even thinking about them makes me gag. Blech! Blech! Blech! Of all the gross disgusting things in this world, dustballs are the things I hate the most. I can handle poop and maybe even boogers, but dustballs...nope, forget it. Changing a baby's diaper doesn't bother me. Cleaning the bathroom and finding a massive ball of dust and hair...well...I want to throw up. I'm so dead serious too. Tonight, I cleaned the bathroom. I fulfilled one of my many wifely duties. I clean. the bathroom. the gross, dirty, HAIRY, bathroom. Uuuuugggghhh....

When I was at Pensacola Christian College, I cleaned bathrooms in the morning for my job. Probably the worst job I've ever had. Not only did I have to wake up really really early to do this before my first class, BUT I had to be in dress code. Which meant, I had to wear a skirt and nylons. Really, a skirt? Nylons? While cleaning a bathroom? If you don't know, PCC had many many MANY rules. One of which was that girls had to wear skirts down to their knees and panty hose (and of course some sort of shirt as long as it wasn't too tight) every day...every. day. Yes, Saturday's included. Though on Saturday's, we didn't have to wear panty hose. BUT if we went off campus on a Saturday we had to wear the panty hose. I haven't worn panty hose since January 2005. And I never will again. Oh PCC, how I do not miss your weird rules. And yes, I had to clean the men's bathroom in one of our classroom buildings. Thus, the reason for my hatred for cleaning bathrooms AND dustballs. I have many PCC stories. They will blow your mind.

I hate dustballs, nylons, and cleaning bathrooms...but I LOVE babies. :) mmm...there is warm, fuzzy spot in my tummy for babies. (It's probably in the same warm, fuzzy spot where chocolate cake belongs.) I really can't wait to have my own babies someday. SOMEDAY, people. Not tomorrow or in nine months...someday. Though Brian and I talk about having babies and how we can't WAIT to have our kids, we want to be married for a few years...mostly to be in a good financial position. But man, I can't wait to meet our kids. They are gonna be SOOooooOOO ADHD hyperactive. Brian is pretty hyper as a 26 year old. I keep hearing all these stories of his hyperness when he was little. His dad had to duck tape him to the chair when eating dinner. HAHA!!! I am pretty hyper and full of energy as a 27 year old. And I KNOW I was REALLY hyper as a little girl. Just ask ANYONE who was my babysitter, teacher, sunday school teacher, nursery provider...oh man...never mind, don't ask them. :) Needless to say, our kids will be CAARRAAAZZY!! can't wait.

On Sunday, I got to meet THIS little dude! Meet Gavin. :) My good friend and fellow photog (and photographer of my wedding), Paul Barrios, had his baby. And yes, this little guy stole my heart. Paul and I sat for a bit looking at some of my wedding pictures, and I was able to hold Gavin the whole time. Oh man, Oh man, Oh man...I could've held him all day. But then he got upset and needed his dad to hold him. While I was there, I took some pics of this cutie-patootie. See below.

He just needed his dad.

Paul was pretty proud of Gavin's jersey.

I hate dustballs, panty hose, and cleaning bathrooms, but I LOOOOVE little baby feet! So precious.
OH! And little baby hands too!
AND little baby scrunchy noses.
And little baby heads on shoulder's.
And little baby eyes looking at me.
And little baby mouths that make really big noises. ;)
"Oh hey, Dad!"

Whachya lookin at there buddy?

AH! There's the feet again!
He's so tiny. :)

Ya just gotta love when they grab the thumb.

I want one.

:::siiiigh::: babies. God's gift to us. They are so precious and innocent. God is so good to allow to us have such pleasure and joy in children. Though labor and childbearing can't be easy (haven't gone through it yet, so I don't know how it is), God still brings something to miraculous out of it. He brings a little you...a little Him. Babies are just another way for God to get glory. Only he could form such an intricate being in the womb.

Psalm 139:5-6, 13-18
You hem me in, behind and before;
and lay your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
it is high; I cannot attain it

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book where written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there were none of them.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
If I would count them, they are more
than the sand.
I awake, and I am still with you.


  1. OMG Jenny, the pics look great! thanks for coming over to spend time with my boy and me. :)
