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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good Timing.

Monday I was feeling a bit blue. Ok, actually I was in a bad mood. It was Monday, folks. I had to go back to work after a nice relaxing weekend. I had photography projects I wanted to work on instead of being at work. Therefore, I was blue. But I shouldn't have been. There was really no reason for my being blue. I should be thankful for the job I have. And I AM thankful. VERY thankful. It's a job, right? It's heart YEARNS to be doing what I love. It was also on Monday I thought about giving up photography. I'll be honest, there have been many times I have thought about giving up photography. I'll think:

"I'll never get as good as the other more experienced photographers out there."

"I don't have any time in the evenings to just relax or take the time to slow down at night when I have so many projects to work on."

"I'm really tired everyday after working till sometimes after midnight working on projects."

"Is it really worth it?"

"All the equipment is SO expensive and there's no way I'll ever afford it."

"I would have more time to spend with Brian."

"My saturday's wouldn't be so packed."

But my main reason was because I didn't have any weddings coming up in the next year yet.

So later that night, I talked to Brian about it and he pretty much said I was crazy. He reminded me that wedding season is over right now and there will be jobs in the summer. He also reminded me that I love photography! And he's completely right....I DO love this field! I love everything about it! I love the adrenaline rush I get from running around during a wedding. I love going home that night and feeling like I did good work. I love being able to push out a GREAT :) product for a client. I love making them smile while they reminise on their big day. I love meeting new people and hearing their stories. I love it becomes very evident in pictures when a family and couple love and enjoy each other. Brian also reminded me how I know I love this field...I think about it when I get up in the morning. I think about it during the day. I think about it at night. I do it in the evenings. I crave to know more about photography. I do research on how to better my service and my product. I learn from other photographers different techniques. I LOVE learning and knowing more about this. I've actually found something I LOVE to do! Why give that up? God has given me a gift, a talent, and why waste it? It's like my hubby...(he might kill me when he reads this) BUT he is INCREDIBLY TALENTED (yes, Brian, you are) in drawing. I mean, the man. can draw. WELL! For my birthday, he drew me a picture of my favorite monument, the Lincoln. It's incredible! It now hangs on our wall in our living room in a frame next to another picture I took of the Plaza Hotel in NYC where we got engaged. I see him doodle during church and even his doodles are amazing! Why waste something like that?

All that being said, if you love to do something; if you have a talent that you know you pretty much rock at, don't waste it! Use it for the Lord! Let him be glorified through it. He gave that gift to you. He wants you to use it! I so get jealous of anyone that can sing. Oh goodness. I think singing is the most precious talent. You can pretty much make anyone swoon.

After our brief talk and my brief thought about quitting photography, the next day the Lord has great timing and I got an email about a wedding for 2011!! I am so stoked! AND I got another request for a family shoot this month! YES! Again, seriously stoked. Everytime I get a new client or a new job, I can't stop thinking about all the poses I want to put them in or the type of technique in taking and editing their pictures. I start looking at other pictures for inspiration. I'll write down notes so I don't forget on the day of the shoot. I'll research certain lighting techniques I don't know how to do, but want to learn. Brian is right! I can't stop thinking about photography! I love it! :)

Definitely NOT giving it up.

Enjoy this picture I took at Brianna and Elliot's wedding in August. Haha...sometimes, it's fun to see how to get myself in the picture. Tomorrow I'll be posting more from this wedding. I forgot to email myself the pictures I wanted to post otherwise I would've done it today. :)

Photography rules!


  1. Amen sister! Every time I ask my hubby to pull over on the side of the highway because I see some yummy light in the weeds, it's confirmation that I've got the photography "disease" :) and I try to remember that when I start to feel like I should quit. Keep up the beautiful work!


  2. Jenny,
    I just wanted to let you know I feel the same way sometimes. But, God is good! You are a great inspiration to me, and I hope you keep up the great work.


  3. Love this picture. Love this post. Love your blog. Love your work. You would be NUTS to give it up and so glad you aren't. I can't believe how GOOD you are at this after just a short time! AND think about how great this will be when you have kids. The photographers in Boston (stay at home moms even) make a KILLING -- around $500 for a 1 hr. baby photo sitting, plus you have to pay for the pictures (starting at $12 for a 4x6). And if you want the digital copies, it's like hundreds more -- for 6 digital files. Come to Boston, yeah?
